Uganda to save Mountain Gorillas using rare NFTs.

Binusu Exchange
2 min readOct 8, 2021


Uganda announces rare NFT campaign at the Dubai Expo to save Mountain Gorillas

Savannah, RoundBob and The Naturalist, Ugandan technology companies, in collaboration with their international partners announced the start of an innovative campaign on the sidelines of the Dubai Expo to enhance conservation and to strengthen Uganda’s tourism sector as part of the Home of the Gorillas Initiative.

One of the key themes of the Dubai Expo 2020 is sustainability and innovative ideas about the future of the planet. The Home of the Gorillas (HoG) Initiative which is in collaboration with the Uganda Wildlife Authority seeks to commercialize activities to generate non-trekking revenue towards Gorilla conservation. The HoG initiative will also make use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which are digital collectibles, to allow participants from all over the world appreciate the beauty of the gorillas, track them and take care of them uniquely using a digitally enhanced platform.

An NFT or a Non-Fungible Token can also be auctioned to raise capital for various causes, and with the Gorillas NFT, resources will be raised to support the conservation of Uganda’s gorillas.

“Digital platforms can today be used to enhance the value of various industries, and NFTs are one such kind. We are delighted to be working with various partners to bring this to life in Uganda, as we together launch Uganda’s first NFT for our wildlife” said Kwame Rugunda who is part of the Gorillas NFT team.

‘We chose the Gorillas because they are Uganda’s signature tourist attraction as well as an endangered species whose protection is our common responsibility.

With these digital collectibles, we will raise funds for conservation and promote tourism at the same time,” said Noah Baalessanvu who is also part of the team.

In the wake of the United Nations COP26 summit, the Gorillas NFT will present an exciting prospect for the global community to join hands in placing innovation, especially in the global south, at the heart of efforts to save the planet and also overcome the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on sectors like tourism, that support community livelihoods for a large section of society.

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